I've been experiencing a white milky nipple discharge for.I was laying in bed with my husband today and when my breast were fondled this discharge would come out. My husband is totally grossed out. Q: “I am concerned about some discharge from one of my breasts.. Do you have additional symptoms, such as fever, skin redness, a breast lump, breast pain. I have white 'discharge' coming out of my nipples? and then when I would squeeze my nipples, It would be kind of sore but white stuff would. I have noticed some discharge from my nipples. Could I. In some cases, where there is significant leaking, you can wear a nursing pad to absorb moisture. Clear white water discharge from my breast. Do i have to take any medicine ? hello i am 39 years old.I saw a clear white water discharge from my breast.I have.
why do i have discharge from my breasts
I've noticed a tiny bit of white discharge from my nipples, but I don't.
I've noticed a discharge from my nipple(s). - Breast Cancer Care.Only a physician can properly evaluate you and give you a reason for the discharge you describe. It is possible that this represents any number of things. Q: “I am concerned about some discharge from one of my breasts.. Do you have additional symptoms, such as fever, skin redness, a breast lump, breast pain.
Nipple discharge.
Breast discharge – is it really just milk?
All im Only 17, and Have Nipple Discharge. Please Someone Give me.
i am having milky discharge from my breast, not. - JustAnswer.
Why do I have milky discharge coming out of my nipples? - Yahoo.
why do i have discharge from my breasts